Stojanka Kurtovic

This page has been set up in memory of the late Mrs Stojanka 'Anna' Kurtovic. All donations kindly to Macmillan in her memory. We are remembering Stojanka Kurtovic also known as Anna, who sadly lost her courageous fight to pancreatic cancer on 31st August 2021, at age 81. She was a loving and devoted wife, mother, grandmother and sister and she will be deeply missed by all her family and friends. She was a truly inspirational woman and was the strongest person in mind and spirit. She was warm, caring and generous in nature and developed many deep friendships over the years. She will leave a huge void in all the lives she touched. We have opened a tribute fund for Macmillan, at her request, in thanks to the Macmillan palliative care nurses who looked after her in her final month of life at Meadow House Hospice. We are very grateful for your donations, in lieu of flowers, which will then go to the amazing work this wonderful charity does. Alison, Dave and Natasha

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