David Hill

Uncle David was a true gentleman, who touched the hearts of many. He was kind and good natured. Everyone remembers him with a smile. Even in his old age he made a great effort to remain sociable, always eager to share good food, particularly his baking, with a cup of tea served in his best china set whilst putting the world to rights. His family, friends and neighbours were very important to him. He was an inspiration as he always had such positivity, and a beautiful outlook on life, even at the end. Each of us will miss him dearly.
This tribute page has been set up to raise some money in David’s honour to thank the wonderful Macmillan nurses, who were a real God send towards the end of David’s life, giving both support to David and to us. Any donation is appreciated, thank you.
Jenny, Shaun, Megan, Bethan and family x

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